Monday 25 June 2012

Kids, colds and festivals

Are we locals yet? Maybe when we actually move into our house we will be. I am looking forward to starting 'normal' life here; living in a hotel just isn't quite right. Living in the city has been kind of fun, but it really isn't the greatest with kids.

The twins have actually been pretty easy. They are happy hanging out on the floor with toys and each other for company, rocking on al fours and wriggling backwards everywhere. A 3 year old is not so easily entertained. So we found the closest park, which is nice and only a few blocks away. However, leaving the park is a problem. We haven't been back since, when leaving, she ran towards the road (a busy city street) refusing to hold my hand for safety. The walk home was embarrassing to say the least - I'm sure that people we walked past were convinced I was abducting her as she was protesting so vigourously! Maybe I'll have the strength to try again this week.

I also think that a slightly different diet has had an effect on the twins. Together with the terrible quality of the nappies (I'm not kidding - they don't keep baby bums dry at all) it leads to terrible nappy rash. After a week long battle, I think we finally have it under control. Maybe it's a conspiracy with the 'diaper' companies and the nappy rash cream companies, as we seem to be using more of both in an effort to keep bums healthy.

A shocking cold has also put a damper on the week. Hubby brought it home from work, and the kids had it, now I've spent the last 3 days unable to smell, or breathe through my nose. I suspect the first year will be bad as we will be exposed to lots of new germs. I shudder to think what winter will be like with a child collecting germs at school. So far Gramdma has escaped, and I'm crossing everything that she stays healthy, as she is doing lots to help me out!

Because summer is short here, they go mad with festivals and events during the warm months. Last weekend, we went out to an Italian Festival, which also had a cycling race through the middle of it. The dragon boats were on this weekend, as well as a Teddy Bear's Picnic at the Governor General's residence. The Jazz Festival is also on this week. The only problem with this, is that it's impossible to get a park if you go anywhere! After a failed attempt to see the dragon boats (shuttle buses don't work well with twin prams) we eventually got a park near what will be our local playground. We will be more prepared next year.

So, I'm hoping that everyone gets healthy for next weekend - it's Canada Day! Until then...

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