Sunday 10 June 2012

The beginning...

Just over a week ago, I was wondering if we were crazy. There we were late Thursday night, headed to the airport in Perth with more gear then we could carry, a 3 year old who hadn't slept and 9 month old twins. And so began 35 hours of travel time...

It actually wasn't nearly as bad as it could have been (although my husband may beg to differ). Little Miss 3 was remarkably good, thoroughly entertained by the movable seat and TV on demand. The twins had moments which 'tested our patience' (ie we wished we could give them away) but slept enough to get by. The big plus of the long trip is that everyone was so tired in arrival that they were fed, put to bed and mostly ended up on the right time zone (a 12 hour change).

Another saving grace is that my mum made the trip with us - and is here for 5 weeks to help us settle in. This has meant that buying a car, looking at houses etc is infinitely easier. I am thinking I may hide her passport so she can stay and help a bit longer.

We arrived on Friday evening, hubby started work (the reason for the move) on Monday. That meant I had to do some driving. Being on the wrong side of the road isn't really that weird, the wrong side of the car though is pretty freaky. I luckily made it through the week without hitting anything, although there was a close call with a parked car. Fingers crosses I'll manage with the tank (Honda Odyssey, bigger here then in Australia) when we pick it up.

Shopping here is also an adventure - lots of reading packets and trying to get my head around orange cheese. A big plus is that nappies (sorry - diapers) are cheap, but Weetbix cannot be found. The English Weetabix will have to do.

So to sum up week one - sleep, Tim Horton's, Costco (where everyone thought we were mad to go jet-lagged on the busiest day of the week), shopping in general and familiarsing ourselves with the neighbourhood. Looking forward to a good second week.

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