Tuesday 18 December 2012

'Tis the season.....

a) to have sniffles?
b) to go it alone?
c) to have a house guest?
d) to eat and drink too much?
e) to deal with ice and snow?
f) for the man in the red suit?
g) all of the above?

And the answer is g! In a way a lot has happened since my last post, but at the same time not very much. The dreaded winter cold hit our house with a vengeance, about 3 times now I think. Of course, not everyone gets sick at once: all the kids take turns, followed by the adults. By the time everyone is finally healthy, another cold comes home! I do of course know exactly how to avoid getting sick, but as that involves never, ever leaving the house with the kids and never, ever inviting anyone over, we are happy to take the risk :)

Hubby has been busy with work over the last couple of months, with 2 work trips in 3 weeks in November. That included a week overseas, which to be honest seemed to involve as much beer, food, nights out and sightseeing as actual work. (We'll see how long until he reads this and complains to me!!) To be honest  I was a little worried about doing it alone with all the kids. Being a twin dad, hubby is pretty hands on and the logistics of getting 14 month old twins and a 3 and a half year old to bed every night can be a little daunting. Thankfully, the kids were mostly good, I got a little extra babysitting help and a plus was that I caught up on lots of rom coms. (Yes, I can be such a girl sometimes.) The only real downer was on his second trip away (thankfully only 3 nights) where I injured my ribs on the first night. (Short version: I had a cold and coughed while twisting to pick up a cuppa. I wouldn't recommend it.) Repeatedly picking up kids, in and out of prams and cars, high chairs and bathing - all quite painful. Luckily a few trips to the physio have made a huge difference. I still can't believe that I managed to do it to be honest!

December arrived and with it an Aussie visitor - a beloved aunt (my sister). Miss 3 came to the airport and was unbelievably excited - ran over and leapt into Aunty's arms for a very long hug with the biggest grin on her face. Of course now my poor sister now has a little voice in her ear all day every day, and even at midnight last night! We've had a chat about that :) We probably haven't done as much sightseeing as I'd hoped we might (see point a, and also some pretty cold days where little kids get cranky being out too long) but we made a good afternoon of it today traipsing around the city in the endlesss snow, rain and slush. At least it was warm - 0 degrees! And so what if all the photos have a carpet of white falling from the sky? At least there is no doubt as to when we were out and about! Anyway, the damp, slushy weather wasn't anything a Beavertail (a local treat, kind of like a flat donut) in the afternoon didn't fix.

And this leads nicely into d....eating and drinking too much. Something we all tend to do at this time of year; thanks to Jane Caro for a quote I read in The Age "If you don't put on weight during the festive season you're doing it wrong." It's also something we tend to do when we have a house guest. (Wine and cheese before dinner anyone? Out for dinner shall we? Movie munchies perhaps?) In fact, we did just have wine and cheese for dinner the other night - a 'quiet' evening with another family of 5 but we figure that the hommus with baby carrots made it a balanced meal. So much for setting a good example for your children! Even playgroup is a source of too much food, beacuse of course we had a Christmas party where everyone brought a plate (potluck as they call it in these parts) which of course were plates of biscuits and crackers and cake. (Oh my!) This week also brings a school Christmas party and drinks with the neighbours, so I may need to live on water and carrot sticks inbetween!

So there is no doubting that winter has arrived. The temperature has been more variable then I thought it would be with maximums anything from -8 to 4 over the last couple of weeks. Still, it is the sort of weather where you make sure that you have hats, coats gloves/mittens for everyone ready to go on and a snowsuit for Miss 3 for school so she can play outside. (Gosh it doesn't take long at all to get the kids out the door..................) One thing you don't think about as an Aussie (well, it doesn't come naturally to me anyway) is that you also need to consider the time it takes to get the car ready. A morning of 0 or so with fluffy snow is fine; you start the car and it is just about warm enough to drive after brushing off the snow. Colder takes longer, ice can take a while. We also have a tall car, making it impossible for me to effectively clean anything off the roof, so I end up with a constant drip of water on the windscreen, with the odd chunk of ice sliding down. We have quickly become thankful that we live on a bus route as it means our road is always cleared straight away. Interesting fact; the wiper fluid that is rated to -40 is explosive. Don't think I'd want that under the bonnet in Australia somehow....

So, kids and Christmas, you have to see the man in the red suit. We trekked to the local 'mall' to have our visit and photo and I have to say they had a fantastic set-up. When Santa arrived, the queue was let through into his little, circular area, where the line then waited around the back of Santa's chair. Around here was a slide, snowmen with benches for photo ops, a DVD playing, igloos for the kids to crawl in and out of - in short a genius idea. The kids were all amused waiting and the time went so much faster,even if a lot of them were pretty excitable by the time they reached Santa. Sadly, the twins decided that they didn't like Santa (screaming in unison anyone?) but Miss 3 leapt onto his knee for the first time ever and had a lovely chat. Of course, then Santa turned up at the playgroup Christmas party, and while happy with her book, she was wondering what happened to the Lego she asked for. Nothing a quick explanation that Santa saves the best gifts for the big day didn't fix! Wouldn't it be nice to be that innocent again?

So, that's about that. I'm actually looking forward to a quiet day at home tomorrow (well, as quiet as a day at home can be!) given that next week will be busy. I'm also hoping to redeem myself after falling a little short in mother of the year today. I somehow didn't quite click the child gate on the stairs this morning, and the twins who have always in the past enjoyed pushing it shut to hear the click, today made a break for it up the stairs. I had one on the landing and one near the top (where the world is not very child-proofed and Miss 3 keeps her little toys) when Miss 3 casually called out "Mum - my sisters are up the stairs!" Cue heart attack for mum! They were not happy about getting caught to be honest - not sure what their plan was! I also didn't hear Miss 3 get up at midnight and come down to see her aunty, after which she decided to sleep on the couch?? At least she used a blanket I guess! Needless to say, I will do better tomorrow!

So off to bed I go so I can be alert and ready! Merry Christmas, and wish us snow everyone :)

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