Tuesday 13 November 2012


I begin by saying, well done Ottawa, well done. We had heard that our neighbourhood was one of the best to experience this tradition and it didn't disappoint. Signs began appearing early - zombie hands in garden beds, bloody handprints on doors and of course that universal symbol of Halloween the pumpkin. There were actually a lot of community events we didn't even attend for reasons various. But anyway, onto what we did do.

The week began with a playgroup Halloween party. It was great for Miss 3 to get another wear out of her (very girly I might say) pirate costume, and who doesn't like party food? That afternoon, hubby got to work carving out pumpkins. The type of pumpkin used over here costs about $3, has very soft flesh that just scoops out, and seeds which are delicious roasted. I was very impressed with the final result - 2 pumpkin faces and my favourite, a haunted castle. (In fact, my favourite of all the pumpkins I saw.)

And so the big day arrived.  I hung some orange and black tinsel on the porch, stocked the 'candy' bowls and fielded yet another enquiry from Miss 3 as to whether it was time to get dressed into costume. Finally, a pirate and a witch set off, with loot bag in hand.

Our first stop was actually at the Opposition Leader's house. We went with our neighbour writes for an online political magazine, so was checking out the local government figures. All I know is that it was a grand and beautiful house, filled with lots of cowboys as well as other costumes, and Miss 3 and her friend were delighted to get a second treat bag when the photographer missed them getting candy from the opposition leader the first time! From there we really just did a block. The rule was that if there was a pumpkin (or decoration of some sort) out the front and a light was on then you knocked. There were a lot of doors answered! There were screams coming from the Governor-General's (they pay actors and set up a haunted house) so we erred on the side of caution and gave it a miss with our little kids. The queue for the Prime Minister's was long all night, so that was missed too. Apart from a fall (who doesn't stack it running to get more candy from the next house?) and a quick trip home to re-gather spirits, I think Miss 3 had as much fun as she's ever had! And where were the twins in all this? Too little to go trick or treating they were at home as hubby handed out just a bit of candy ( I mean about 400 pieces!!) trying to escape out the door every time it opened :)

Then, just to top the week off, hubby and I went to a grown-up Halloween party the following weekend. Alcohol and fancy dress - what's not to like! It was great for us to be able to get into the spirit of it too, so the Excutioner and the Fortune Teller had fun and were a little tired the next day.

So, that's about that. It's so good when something lives up to your expectations. Not much to report since then, except cold weather. I've now done the walk to school in -3 and the forecast high for Thursday is 0. A flurry of snow caught us by surprise at the shops today too - I don't think the twins knew what to think!

Off now to continue my role as domestic goddess; I'm baking for my book club tomorrow. The next report will likely be the arrival of winter....brrrrrrr.....

(Note: I apologise for the frequent use of the word 'candy' but it is quicker and easier then writing chocolates and lollies.)

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