Thursday 10 July 2014

Time is ticking

Okay, time to confess. I fully intended to write this late June before we headed off on a holiday to the States. As usual though, life happened and here I am just back from holiday and miles behind in my blog. I won't subject you to a painfully long entry of everything we've been up to since late May, so I'll update you on Ottawa stuff and write about our holiday next week sometime...maybe :)

The first big event since my last entry was the Dance recital. Miss 5 was super excited (again) and with another year of dancing under her belt actually getting really good at remembering the steps, being in time and all that important stuff. She just beams on stage and did a great job. (I may be biased, but then again as the teacher I am also hard on her and expect more from her.) I had also started a boys hip hop class (with kindergarten aged boys) this year and their performance was a huge hit. It's quite sad that I won't get to teach them all again next year, as I've had loads of fun and the kids all know me really well now. They all smile and chat with me during school drop off and pick up which is really sweet, and I was still getting compliments from parents weeks after the recital. 

School had a number of events in the last two weeks of the year. The first was the concert, where each class did 2 or 3 songs or musical items for the parents. The gym was crowded with mums, dads and grandparents and the kids all did a great job. The older students played a variety of instruments (ukulele anyone?) while the younger ones just sung. In English and French of course. Miss 5's class had a water theme; they sung "Listen to the Water" and "Pluie, Pluie" (rain, rain go away). With their actions and enthusiasm they were super cute and got lots of laughs and a huge round of applause. The following day was the Spring Fair. We'd gone last year and the kids had just as good a time again; playing games (and winning prizes), having their fingernails painted, going for a horse-drawn cart ride around the block and of course hot dogs for lunch. What more could you want? The final day of school finished at midday and is always followed by a picnic for students and their families. We'd missed it last year (as it clashed with the twins nap) and unfortunately this year it was forced inside due to rain. It turned out well in the end though, as the younger students all ended up playing and eating with their friends in their own classrooms while the mums and dads chatted. Hubby came so he went to the twin's room with them, while I hung out with Miss 5 in her room. The kids all had a blast, although I know that some of the mums whose kids are moving on to other schools for various reasons were feeling quite sad, myself included. It is a wonderful school that the kids have loved. 

While on the subject of Miss 5, her social life has continued at a cracking pace. As well as the usual playdates and trips to the park, she has been to 3 more birthday parties. Two of them featured visits by actual princesses. Yes, that's right, she has now met Ariel (in human not mermaid form!) and also Rapunzel. (Although she tells me that Rapunzel's hair wasn't as long as in the movie.) The third party was different but just as fun; it was held at the Aviation Musuem and the birthday girl's mum sent some lovely photos of the kids all dressed up in old fashioned aviator gear.

The twins are also doing well. They are generally happy and social and love our playdates and outings as much as Miss 5. It's also very cute hearing them try to sing the songs they hear her sing around the house - including the French ones! Nursery school has ended for them too; their teachers did up lovely scrapbooks for them with pieces of their artwork and photos of them playing with their little friends. It's a lovely memento, although they are too young to remember their friends for very long. They have also improved at swimming lessons which is great. They are much happier now to follow the directions and seem to actually enjoy themselves, so I feel better about going home to a house with a swimming pool.

We've also managed to do some fun things as a family on weekends. Every year is a big Military Family Appreciation Day which is essentially a giant fair with loads of free stuff to do. Only military families can go and various companies sponsor the event. We didn't do a huge amount of stuff, as there were big queues for some activities, as well as lots of stuff aimed at older kids but it was still fun. There was also the Doors Open Ottawa weekend, where loads of organisations let the public behind the scenes, and others offer free entry and tours. We walked into town and visited the Mint and the Art Gallery. Again, the kids were a little young, but it was a nice day to be out.

There has also been some fun stuff for us grown ups too. Hubby celebrated his birthday, so we went out to dinner at one of his favourite rib restaurants (with delicious smells of smoked meat when you walk in the door) followed by a drink and cake out. I also managed to sneak in a girl's night out - cocktails and chat followed by dancing. It was great fun; although my friend and I were surprised (and shall we say a little disappointed) by how well behaved the nightclub crowd was. The youth of today, disappointing!

Well, that's about it! I'll try to write next week to tell the tales of two and a half weeks in New York, Boston and places in between....

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