Monday 8 April 2013

It's Spring at Last!!

Confession time; since my last post the joy of winter wore off. In a hurry I might add. I was tired of taking forever to get everyone bundled up to leave the house. I was sick of wearing snow boots everywhere. I cursed at having to clean piles of snow off the car, again, to be able to go anywhere. The day before the first official day of spring we had a dump of snow, and I wanted to cry as the radio announcer told me that "On this day last year it was a sunny 24 degrees!" Yeah - thanks for that! Now, a week after Easter there is still snow in the corners of the backyard, but we've managed to clear most of it out of the way, and warmer days and some spring rain has done a lot of melting. It's also a point of pride that we survived an Ottawa winter without too much grief. Although the twins weren't keen on being outside, Miss 3 pretty much never complained about the cold and hubby and I managed to mostly get out and do what we wanted/needed to do. I am also impressed that we made it through the season without losing any mittens! (We came close, but it was found 2 days later on our route home.) So, warmer days have been a treat. My first run of the season happened on Friday in a windy 4 degrees. I thoroughly enjoyed sitting outside in the sunshine with a coffee this afternoon in a 'balmy' 8 degrees while the kids played. Lower temps and flurries are forecast for later in the week, but I'm hoping that if I ignore them they'll go away...... The forecast does change all the time after all :)

We have been up to the usual routine since my last post: school, playgroup, playdates, the odd lunch with friends. An Aussie family we're friends with were headed home and we caught up with them a few times, most notably for a trip to a sugar shack, where they make maple syrup. Around this time every year, they tap the maple trees, boil off the liquid to thicken and there you have maple syrup. It can only happen when the temperature is within a certain range. There are quite a few sugar shacks in the Ottawa surrounds, and they usually do brunch buffets with pancakes, French toast, maple ham and other goodies. While not a sophisticated dining experience (more of a food hall feel) it is a great morning out. The one we went too had a mascot bear, maple taffy on snow, petting zoo, playground, horse and cart rides as well as the actual smoky sugar shack and the requisite gift shop. We were a little worried that the twins would be difficult, as most of the activities were outside and they refused to walk on snow. (Maybe it felt too unstable?) Thankfully, they ate themselves into a food coma at brunch (It's quite amazing how much French toast they fit in!) and just sat watching the world go by - too full to move!

As Easter approached, we pretty well put plans for an outside easter egg hunt to bed. Too much snow still... and rain forecast on Easter Sunday. Thanks Mother Nature! We did manage to find some things to do though. On the Saturday, we went to the Museum of Civilisation which also houses the Children's Museum. It's one of those things we've been meaning to do for ages, but hadn't quite got around to. Really fantastic though, and we will definitely go back, hopefully when the twins are less inclined to just wander off in opposite directions! The displays are set up like real buildings and streets (there is even a consecrated church) and the Children's Museum is like a trip around the world where kids get a passport which they stamp as they visit various displays such as ride a camel in the desert or load a crate onto a boat in port. On the Saturday night we had the neighbours over for drinks, because what's a long weekend without drinks with friends?? On Easter Sunday we searched for eggs inside, and discovered that twin 1 does not like chocolate. If she wasn't identical to her sister I'd wonder if she's really mine!

The weekend just past we had the chance to celebrate the marriage of friends - always good fun. There was a moment where I was worried the night was coming to an abrupt end though, as I saw missed calls from the babysitter. Oh no, what's wrong, my mind was ticking over. I listened to my voice mail, and it turned out that her 'crisis' was that she couldn't get the computer to connect to the internet!! Ha - kids today! In fairness to her, she was trying to access some homework online. Thankfully, I talked her through it (although her generation is supposedly better at this stuff) and disaster was averted!

There's not much in particular to say about the kids. Miss 3 (soon to be Miss 4!) has grown since Christmas. She is suddenly looking very tall next to some of her friends and classmates.She is particularly enjoying the melt; the week she was able to get back into her tree fort generated huge excitement and the trampoline went back together on the weekend which is keeping her happy. The twins are getting more mobile and agile every day. They are walkng up and down our 2 split level stairs just hanging onto a doll's stroller and getting good at climbing....onto the back of the couch, the dining table (less then a week after I told my sister-in-law that they don't do that!) side tables. Nothing is safe!! They always look so pleased with themselves too.

So, that's that for now. A quick note for my friends back home: we hosted a games night a few weeks ago. In boys v girls Trivial Pursuit the girls won :) As for future plans, no more holidays for a little while (sadly) but we're hoping to get in a couple of dinners and nights out as the weather continues to warm up. We are just excited about getting outside more, and maybe one day, leaving the house in just a t-shirt and shorts :)

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