Thursday 12 July 2012

House and kids

Well, I'm writing this a bit later then I had planned. Now we're in our house, with some kind of normal routine, I don't think I'll be writing as often. A daily schedule of nappy changes, housework and play isn't all that exciting. However, it's been a busy fortnight getting here.

The plan was to move in over the course of 2 days, and be completely sorted at the end of those days.(Optimistic? Yes!) Our furniture was supposed to arrive early Tuesday morning mostly assembled, so we'd just have to put a few things together (Ikea of course!) and be ready for our consignment from Australia on Wednesday. Hubby left the hotel early Tuesday, and rode to the house. When I arrived at 10am, I was surprised to find that nothing had arrived. After a trip to Costco to stock up on non-perishables, I returned to find hubby surrounded by boxes that contained our dining setting, as well as many more boxes from Ikea. We also had a problem, as due to the sloping ceiling in the main bathroom, the bed head and frame didn't fit. We now have a matttress ensemble on the floor. Needless to say, that when our stuff arrived on the Wednesday, I was trying to unpack alone as the endless furniture assembly went on. A week later, I finally unpacked the last of the clothes. Whew!

On a sad note, Mum headed home on the day we moved in. Poor thing - she had to help us get sorted in the house, and never got  to stay there! I soon realised just how much help she'd been when hubby went to work and it was just me and the kids. Three against one isn't good odds! Miss 3 had also really enjoyed having Grandma around as a captive audience. Oh well, thank goodness for Skype.

We were really lucky with our house in lots of ways - great location, good yard, beautifully renovated. The other bonus was that the owners who vacated are actually moving to Singapore. This meant that they left loads of stuff behind. Kids winter clothes, trampoline, a swing set and loads of toys and other clothes. The first day here, Miss 3 was so excited she didn't know what to do with herself: swing, trampoline, tree fort, toy kitchen.... In other news fron the world of Miss 3, she started summer school (at the school she's starting in September) for 1 day a week. She was so excited to start today (I think she gets a bit bored with just mum) and was very proud that she opened a banana and unwrapped her sandwich by herself.

News of the twins - I don't think they've had much of a mention in this blog! They are good (apart from a cold) and seem to be enjoying the new surrounds and a wider range of toys. The funny thing is meal time. For the first time, they have quite compact high chairs so can sit very close to one another. They began by pulling hair and holding hands. Then the figured out they could pull each other's bibs off. They are also supposed to eat while doing this! The other night, we were outside (lovely summer evening) when T1 pulled her bib off and started shaking it around. T2 watched with interest and finally succeeded in grabbing it off her. T1 promtly burst into tears. So T2 gave it straight back and T1 smiled. Very cute!

Only one day until the weekend. It should be nice, as we have nothing we have to do. We'll probably explore our local neighbourhood instead. I'll post again a few weeks, when hopefully I'll have something goood to write about!

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